How to Enable/Disable 2D/3D Acceleration or Change the Video Card type in SolusVM?

You can Enable or Disable 2D/3D Acceleration or you can change the video card type to VGA, Cirrus, etc in SolusVM.

1. Login to your SolusVM Control Panel.

2. If you have multiple VPS, select the appropriate one.

How to Change the Video Type?
1. Scroll down, and under the"œVideo" tab, change the type from the drop-down menu to the appropriate video type and then reboot your VPS.

How to Enable the 2D/3D Acceleration?
1. Scroll down under the "œVideo" tab, and if you want to Disable the 3D Acceleration, choose the option "œOff" from the dropdown menu.If you want to enable it, chose the "œOn" option from the 2D/3D Acceleration.

2. Reboot your VPS.

Note: Virtualization like KVM does not support 2D/3D Acceleration on some operating systems.

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